Yasmine Belkaid, PhD
Director of the NIAID Microbiome program and the director of the NIH Center for Human Immunology
Julius Stone Lecture
Skin Microbiota in Tissue Immunity and Repair
Suephy Chen, MD/MS
Professor of Dermatology and Vice Chair at Emory University
Naomi M. Kanof Lecture
The Significance of Dermatology Outcomes Research – Beyond the H-Index and Impact Factor
George Cotsarelis, MD
Milton B Hartzell Professor of Dermatology and Chairman of the Department, University of Pennsylvania
Albert M. Kligman/Phillip Frost Leadership Lecture
25 Years of Riding the Hair Wave
Richard Edelson, MD
Professor and Chairman of Department of Dermatology, Yale University
Stephen Rothman Memorial Award
Elizabeth Grice, PhD
Associate Professor, Dermatology & Microbiology Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
State-of-the-Art Plenary Lecture III
Skin Microbiome: Opposing Roles in Barrier Function, Inflammation, and Repair
Brian Kim, MD/MTR
Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Anesthesiology, and Pathology and Immunology; Co-Director, Center for the Study of Itch at Washington University in St. Louis
State-of-the-Art Plenary Lecture II
Immune Regulation of Skin Inflammation and Itch
Alex Pentland, PhD
Director, MIT Connection Science
Herman Beerman Lecture
Understanding People
Maksim Plikus, PhD
Associate Professor in the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology, University of California, Irvine
State-of-the-Art Plenary Lecture I
Large-scale Regeneration in the Skin
Cassandra Quave, PhD
Curator of the Emory University Herbarium and Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Human Health at Emory University
State-of-the-Art Plenary Lecture IV
Mining Nature’s Chemistry: Ethnobotany and Drug Discovery for Dermatologic Applications
Nick Reynolds, MD
Professor of Dermatology and Director of the MRC/EPSRC Molecular Pathology Node
Eugene M. Farber Lecture
Towards Precision Therapeutics: A Systems Approach to Understanding Psoriasis Plaque Resolution and Endotype Analysis
Michael D. Rosenblum, MD/PhD
Associate Professor of Dermatology, UCSF